Liverpool tour

October 5, 2013 § Leave a comment

We had a visit to Liverpool, attend FACT art festival, saw some art works:


The construction of this work is interesting, but I think the content of it could be better, maybe put the audience into a surreal world instead of reality. But I think the form of this art work is worth to reference:

Processed with VSCOcam with p5 preset

This work is a video played on six screens, the six screens are hang on two side of the room, play different video, but I can feel there are some connection between this two videos, but at the same time we can only watch one video. The artist used the space of a room to set videos that makes audience could not totally focus on a single one:



I’m quite interested in this lecture:









It’s about the scientist use a particular part of brain to make illusion. Use visual and our body to make a connect to brain. Scientist use the film of our body to make us feel like this is our body, and it seems we are in the virtual body’s position, if someone did something to this virtual body we will feel like it happened on our real body. I got some inspiration from this experiment, maybe in my project, I can also provide an avatar of audience, make them stand into a virtual place but they will feel more real. And then, make the barriers disappear.


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